5 things to learn from the Pan Bahar Ad featuring Pierce Brosnan
Growth Hacking –All–Customary Blog
Since ages the ads of pan masalas have been showcasing the metamorphosis of a common man to an aspirational figure. You may get the partner of your choice, achieve the best writer’s award and can buy back East India Company by chewing a pan masala. But this time the Brand Pan Bahar has just crossed all limits and superfluously casted the former Bond of Hollywood Pierce Brosnan to appear as an ambassador of Pan Bahar.
We might side-line it considering it as humorous but it’s a serious business, involving millions of dollars and marketing strategies with a sure shot targeting of its consumers and raising the bar from an Indian consumable chewing tobacco to a Global brand! So rethink as an Entrepreneur and understand the psycho-graphic phenomenon built in, to target its potential new set of users.
Below are the important takeaways for Entrepreneurs.
- Bond is one of the hyped and niche figure for Indian urban and urban-rural public, both.
Smoking a cigarette or chewing tobacco habits are always induced in the fantasy of relating oneself with an famous Filmstar or a character. This reason is one of the most influential reasons of people becoming addicted to these ill habits. The Brands know of this very distinctively and they continue to exploit this to the fullest.
Indian urban and urban-rural public is highly fascinated by the Bond character. They are either told by their upper middle class friends, or have witnessed ads and posters in national dailies talking high about Bond films. Something that is niche and is up-class is viral in the Indian Community. Amongst all the bonds Pierce Brosnan was quite popular because of two reasons. Firstly he entered into an era where watching English movies was in demand by Indian Public and secondly his face has an Indian fit. For the age group 25-40 nobody could have been better than the former Bond Pierce Brosnan.
- Celebrity Power: People idolise the brand ambassadors and it’s a proven fact!
Whether it’s the old brand Lux or the new entrant Patanjali, all of them are aware of the Celebrity Power. They know it very well that people idolise their ambassadors and that is the one of the strongest reason they become loyal to a brand. Companies exploit the power of celebrities and employ them to advertise just about everything. As famous people are instantly recognisable and attract consumer interest, they can bring attention to a brand in a way that no other type of advertising can.
- Do not change or modify the proved concepts which had been viral, just Indianise it!
If you would have seen the ad patiently and diligently you would have noticed that Pierce Brosnan has not eaten Pan Bahaar during the ad, not even once! Also the music is typically Indian and is completely identifiable as Indian music with Sitar chords. The foreign faces chosen for the ads are what Indian people like and one of the ladies in the ad is Indian too. These nuances define the in-detail and in-depth planning before the ad was shot. During the entire advertisement the feel was Indian but the concept of bond has not at all touched. What were modified were ancillaries which do not interfere with the Bond Ideology.
- What is worth doing its worth overdoing!
Something that has worked in the past if relaunched or rehashed with a better packaging can bring proportionately better results. Bond concept was much pervaded in the Indian context and society. What they did is they Indianised it the biggest way ever, any brand advertisement would have done and they achieved the hype and the virality they were looking for.
- Something unique and different has more chances of going Viral!
People would have certainly noticed it and if not will be seeing it on a friend’s mobile screen or may be through a video or link on whatsapp! But it has gone viral and thats the truth! Things which are different unique & can fit into a matter of a debatable discourses are a sure shot case of being viral.
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