Don’t underestimate the power of Thinking!
Our Life is the outcome of the kind of choices we make! These choices may experience as bitter, in the initial stages but would bring contentment and satisfaction in the longer run. To make choices correctly you have to Think!
Your brain is comprised of neurons and when you think deep and long, you are able to align them better and this process evolves you to a better thinker and thus a better Entrepreneur. The science is very simple, the more you think the better you be!
Successful professionals develop the habit of thinking for at least 30-50 minutes a day. You may wonder how they take out time to do this? The answer is they are aware of the “Power of Thinking”. They know that if they have to make better choices they would have to think deep and wide and it has to be a habit and not a circumstance based activity. This habit can help you enact upon your learning that you have collated from different walks of life. Let’s understand how can we develop and enhance the “Power of Thinking”.
- Reading should be a daily affair
You must read for at least an hour a day. Try to subscribe to relevant blogs, portals and Think Tanks who are sound in their knowledge domain. Read them and think what relevance you can draw. Let you mind work on analyzing and seeking the inroads to the message that article or journal is bringing to you. Also read books and try to read relevant only. Books are the best ways to encapsulate your Thinking ability! So be very careful in choosing the right ones.
- Be specific when you Think
We generalize too much and much of the times we are able to bring universal logic to almost all the things we plan. Don’t Do it! Generalization brings in Error Blindness. Try and think deep and more into knowing what’s behind everything and map it to your ability and experience to factor that out. If you do it you will always research to bring more relevance and belief in whatever you do and that’s critical for you as an Entrepreneur.
- Consolidation of Knowledge
You would have to bring in some repository of your own to keep consolidating these knowledge pointers and takeaways as ready reckoner for your journey called Life! This repository shall be your reference handbook for all your life’s problem and making a selection of choice that is good for your longer run.
- Discipline in practicing this art.
People who are heading Technology Behemoths like Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella or Successful Entrepreneurs like Warren Buffet practice this daily! Practice needs discipline and only through continuous practice you would be able to gain the wisdom you are looking for.
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